Wednesday, May 23, 2012

O Canada: Or My Summer Reading Plan

After years of bitching and resisting, my best friend has convinced me to do the impossible. This summer I will dedicate a significant portion of my reading to the works of Margaret Atwood. I read The Handmaid's Tale in high school, and I didn't love it. It didn't ruin Atwood for me, but I  never pursued her novels. My friend, on the other hand, loved it. She's been all Atwood all the time since that novel, and has been grinding me down to give Atwood's other works a chance ever since then. I've resisted, partly because I didn't relish my first encounter with Atwood, and partially just to annoy the living daylights out of my bff, but when a package arrived on my doorstep, filled to the brim with Atwood books, I gave in. I'm going to read my way across Canada this summer, and hopefully I'll enjoy the ride.

This will also be a summer of series for me. I want to reread Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings. I'm looking forward to slowly working my way through the Song of Ice and Fire series as well.

I have a few non-Atwood, non-series books also looking forward to, and you'll get to read all of my literary misadventures here. I basically just want to read as much as possible when I'm not working or sleeping.

Wish me luck.

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